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"Melanie is a brilliant copy editor. I was worried about sending my manuscript to an editor at first, but found it to be an enriching experience. Melanie kept me updated throughout the edit, and gave great constructive advice along the way. Her work has greatly improved my manuscript in ways that I couldn’t have done so on my own. Highly recommend."

Richard S Pearce




A full line and copy-edit looks at style and flow with a view to making your sentences as impactful as they can be, all while respecting your author voice and style, and well as the technical copy-editing work. It focuses on:


  • Clarity, readability & style

  • Pacing & flow

  • Dialogue (focusing on style & realism, as well as the mechanics of dialogue formatting)

  • Word choice: in particular cliched or awkward language

  • Overused phrases & repetition

  • Telling vs. showing

  • Overwriting

  • Tense consistency​

  • Spelling & grammar

  • Applying style decisions, e.g. UK vs. US English, -ize/-ise endings,  capitalisation, en/em dashes

  • Consistency in character, setting, timeline etc.

  • Drawing attention to obvious plot holes

  • Punctuation: commas, ellipses, dialogue formatting, etc.

  • Accuracy (including basic fact checking)

  • POV issues

Changes are made in Word using track changes. You'll get two copies of your manuscript back from me: one with the edits shown and a clean copy with the changes accepted. You'll also get a style guide detailing the editorial decisions made and the punctuation, grammar and spelling styles that were applied.


Copy editing


I also offer a simple copy-edit, focusing on:


  • Spelling & grammar

  • Applying style decisions, e.g. UK vs. US English, -ize/-ise endings,  capitalisation, en/em dashes

  • Consistency in character, setting, timeline etc.

  • Drawing attention to obvious plot holes

  • Punctuation: commas, ellipses, dialogue formatting, etc.

  • Accuracy (including basic fact checking)

  • POV issues

  • Tenses


Changes are made in Word using track changes. You'll get two copies of your manuscript back from me: one with the edits shown and a clean copy with the changes accepted. You'll also get a style guide detailing the editorial decisions made and the punctuation, grammar and spelling styles that were applied.




The final check before publishing. I will go through your manuscript and correct any spelling and grammar issues, paying close attention to consistency based on your style guide. I will also correct any formatting or layout issues with your manuscript.




Every project is different, so please get in touch for a personalised quote.


On a budget? Get in touch and we can work together to come up with a package and fee that would work within your budget.


I offer a free sample edit of up to 1,000 words before I quote you for your full manuscript. This gives you, as the author, a chance to decide whether my editing style fits you, and allows me, as the editor, to get an idea of how much work is needed.

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